Mary Elizabeth Kloska, Fiat. +
Welcome to the Family of Fiat Crucified Love!!
God bless you and welcome to the Family of Fiat Crucified Love!!
My name is Mary Kloska and I am from Elkhart, Indiana. I was raised in a huge Polish family (12 brothers and sisters) along with a lot of foster babies and other needy people in and out of the house. I presently have 70+ nieces and nephews. I have lived a very unique life.
Upon graduating from Notre Dame in 1999 I spent almost 20 years in the missions serving the poor (including orphanages) as well as praying as a consecrated hermit all over the world –Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Philippines, Mexico, the Holy Land and all over Europe as well. Although I spent a lot of time away in silence praying, ironically I love children and I try to be very fun and outgoing when it comes to serving young adults, as well as the little ones. I also spent my time in the missions giving retreats, doing simple catechesis, leading prayer groups, giving spiritual direction, helping in deliverance, changing diapers, feeding babies and cleaning floors. After spending intense time serving in a mission I would withdraw for periods of ‘retreat’ as a hermit (including three years as an official diocesan hermit with vows under a Bishop.) The last few years I have spent as a fulltime nanny to infant triplets, twins and several large families.
I speak many languages (poorly) and enjoy playing guitar, painting icons, baking, gardening, reading, writing and simply filling in where there is the greatest need in the Church. I really love to be outside in nature with a cup of good coffee (often from one of the orphanages I help in Africa). I have to work full time to support myself, but my heart is still hermity and so I try to include quite a bit of time for solitude and prayer daily. Coming forth from this time of prayer is a beautiful missionary ministry that God has entrusted to me including writing books and blogs, doing radio programs, podcasts, interviews and YouTube videos about the spiritual life, painting icons, writing music and filling in where I see a great need around me. I also hope at some point to be able to provide respite care for foster babies.