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The Holiness of Womanhood

-English Version

The book is also being translated into Urdu, Dari, Arabic, Polish, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chichewa and Tumbuka (languages from Malawi), Runyankole and Rutooro (languages from Uganda), Swahili, Ekegusii (plus two additional Kenyan languages) and Malayalam (Indian language). We also have possibilities for Russian and Italian translations. As each translation becomes available, it will have its own page under 'books.' Come Holy Spirit!

A great mystery surrounds the gift of womanhood that God wants people to treasure and protect. The Holiness of Womanhood describes the various gifts that God has entrusted to women (or more precisely has made women to be) and their role as helpmate, wife and mother. This book also touches upon God’s call to a woman in a specific vocation, her gift of purity, and her unique interior life as it relates to the Cross, the Eucharist, and Prayer. It culminates by reflecting on the examples of the saints and of Our Lady, who is God’s Masterpiece of Femininity.  

Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle: $9.99


“Mary Kloska takes on an important, though much neglected issue: the real differences between women and men, with a focus on the impact of those differences on women’s spirituality. The joy of reading this is that in place of the anger that sometimes accompanies such issues, Mary gently and calmly observes the differences and celebrates both, even as she focuses her attention on the spiritual gifts of women. I, a man, have directed women, and I know a number of women who give spiritual direction to men, yet Mary’s insights into the spiritual life of women offer far more insight than I can. In addition, her experience comes from her having lived on four continents, among very diverse people — North America, Europe, Africa and Asia, which gives her insights breadth. Her own spiritual life is the obvious source of her depth. Her book is a profound aid in a woman’s spiritual development.” – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, president and founder of Ignatius Productions and senior fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

“I picked this book up and could not put it down until I turned the final page… and I’m a man! If it captivated me to such a degree, I can only marvel at the wondrous effect it will have on women! This book is so uniquely beautiful that I would not be at all surprised if in time it is recognized as a classic in Catholic women’s literature. I would encourage every woman to read this treatise and to hold on to it for her entire life… keep returning to it; and finally… leave it as a special heirloom to someone you love dearly.” — Fr. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, author of The Redemption of San IsidroTo Whom The Heart Decided To LoveAdventures In The Father’s JoyThe Prayer of Jesus Crucified (La Oracion de Jesus Crucificado); and the new Catholic music album/CD, So Shine by brothersister

“Mary Kloska’s retreat for women, especially in their early twenties, lays out the principles for motivating a young person’s true identity in the making. Even more, a mother of a family can find in this book, easy to read and think about, practical insights to help her daughters mature toward a deep sense of potential motherhood. Then she can more truly discern an authentic spouse to love her and her children in marriage with sacrificial love.” – Fr. Basil Cole, Professor of moral, spiritual, and dogmatic theology at the Dominican House of Studies

“What a beautiful retreat for women! I love it. Full of deep insights. I can assure you from reading the book …that it is full of joy and peace and that it actually helped me at age 82 (even though I wrote a whole book about women and several books that I use on retreats myself). I still found new insights in this book. So even if you have been to women’s retreats, this could give you something new and very important.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, leader of dozens of women’s retreats, and author of Feminine, Free, and Faithful

“The Holiness of Womanhood contains much wisdom and Truth for any woman who really wants to become what God created her to be. Having lived through the rise of women’s liberation in the sixties and seventies, which began the release of tons of literature about women that only polluted the mind, I find this book refreshing. It gives a Godly spin to femininity and has many riches for any woman who wants to be a woman of God.” – Clare R. Ten Eyck, Ed.D., Catholic Therapist and Retreat Director

“Translating this book is really helping me to respect my wife, mother, sisters and all women more and more. I am very sure that I am going to get more depth and reverence for women as I continue to work on it. And really thanks for writing such a masterpiece. There is no doubt that our society here needs this book very much. I believe this book is not only going to change women, but also men. Praise the Lord for using you to be the sign of hope. This book is going to be hope for our women who really are struggling with their true identity.

...I must acknowledge that chapter 8 and 9 have deeply touched me. I have cried hard with Mother Mary. And this cry was out of joy. I really felt that I was in her womb. Thanks for this deep book. I will share my reflection in detail later. It has touched me and through me my family.” — Aqif Shahzad- translator into Urdu

“This book provides a much needed insight into authentic femininity, and is a must read for young and old women alike, who wish to delve deeper into their individual vocations and their meaning and purpose as a daughter of the King.” – Theresa A Thomas, Mother of six daughters, 15-year family columnist at “Today’s Catholic News,” contributor to Integrated Catholic Life website, Catholic Exchange, freelance writer and author of Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Every Day Families (Scepter, 2013)


Sold on as well as at En Route Media and Books.

Click on image below to be taken to the book site:

For an hour long program detailing the book chapter by chapter, click the link below:

For a program about the Rosary and "The Holiness of Womanhood"
click the link below:

For a talk given at a Women's Retreat about "The Holiness of Womanhood" click the link below:

To listen to supplemental material from retreat conferences given on "The Holiness of Womanhood" in English and Polish, click HERE.

Interviews on the Book:

Cynthia Toolin-Wilson Interviews Mary Kloska About Her Book, "The Holiness of Womanhood."

Ronda Chervin Interviews Mary Kloska About Her Book, "The Holiness of Womanhood."

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My parents and John and Annie Thomas with me and the new release!
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