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Testimonies from Persecuted Christians

(How Mary Kloska's books have strengthened, healed and helped them.)

Please Donate to our work with persecuted Christians by clicking here:

From Pakistan -Sunday, April 25, 2021:    

"Mary, thank you very much for this work. The work you have done is really big.

God bless you always. And this is also my prayer and prayer of every Christian here in Pakistan that this may bear fruit.

One of my community members (She is a teacher) said, “Mary Kloska is helping and giving us peace, hope and light as our Mother Mary”. And when she said she had tears, because her brother was falsely accused and murdered a few years back. She and her family could not find peace and justice. Now after reading your books she acknowledged that her family is finding some hope and peace.

A big thanks to you from me and my whole community."





Can you imagine your daughter being kidnapped, raped and then forced into a marriage with an older Muslim man? It sounds horrifying, but this is the situation of women and girls in Pakistan. I have personally been contacted by several parents begging me to get them out of the country in order to save their daughters because they are afraid. Both the National Geographic and the Telegraph named Pakistan along with two other countries as the top three worst countries in the world in their treatment of women. Just googling articles on this I found these that relate horrifying first person stories of what life is like there for women. 

Open Doors, an organization that helps the persecuted Church throughout the world has said that they had to withdraw their on-ground help in Pakistan because of the threat it caused to the lives of those they served. They provide very thorough information here about the plight both of Christians, as well as women in general, in Pakistan. They list the persecution of Christians as ‘Extreme’. 

My translator in Pakistan has shared detailed information about how my book, “The Holiness of Womanhood,” and the Church’s teachings on the Dignity and Vocation of Woman has already healed many men and women who have come into contact with the Urdu text. And we are still working on the printed version. Unfortunately, women are treated terribly in their society –both inside and outside of the Church –and he said that by reading this book their eyes have been opened to a new way of thinking and approaching women. To synthesize the situation he explains:

" I hope our main concern of Urdu translation is to heal many women who are spiritually and physically wounded in Pakistan.

·         These women belong to different fields of life. They come from urban and rural places. They are simple and many times not very educated and rich.

·         I have healed myself after reading this book and wish that other men and women get healed too.

·         This book gave me new vision and eyes to see my daughter, wife, mother, sister and many other women.

·         Our women in Pakistan have been badly treated by society and church.

·         This book will give them some hope to find Jesus.

·         Our church even catholic church has not been fair to women. Women have been treated as an object. Women do not have any visible or decision-making place in church.

·         So, may be this book might give us less profit but it will bring hope and new life in women.

·         I know the importance of this book. This book is so insightful. Our women are going to read something that they have never thought. For this thanks to Mary.

·         I am sure this book will quench the spiritual thirst of many men and women.

·        Though people do not have this book in Urdu yet, Mary really has inspired our women already. I have shared her amazing life story with my people especially women (both young and aged). "

Already my translator has been gathering rural, uneducated women into small groups and reading excerpts from my book to them. They are inspired. They realize their worth as daughters of God. The whole society (Muslim, Protestant, Catholic –rich, poor) is being challenged by these thoughts.

Books are very expensive for Pakistani people. Most homes can’t even afford to buy a Catholic Bible. And so I suggested that I set up a GoFundMe to see if we could raise money to purchase copies of the Urdu translation of my book (once it is printed in Lahore, Pakistan) to distribute to those who are most in need, as well as those who would have the greatest influence on society. If women knew their worth and how to connect with God, they would be healed. If priests read the Church’s teachings as laid out in this book, how could they not relate differently with women –in a new way different then their Muslim-influenced culture, instead inspired by the teachings of Pope John Paul II, St. Edith Stein, Archbishop Fulton Sheen and above all else, the women saints and Our Lady as presented in it?

The first several thousand dollars of this GoFundMe will go towards providing books for those in Pakistan. After we are able to provide a few thousand, some of the funding will go towards providing books for a few poor areas of Africa and India with the same needs. For example, in Uganda often teenage moms are abandoned and there is a couple who runs a home for these young women and their children who would love to use this book in formation. And I am already working with people to translate it into two Ugandan languages. But once the translation is completed, we will have to get printed texts to Uganda (or print them there) and distributed to the most poor and persecuted in their society. There is another girls’ school run by a good priest in Tanzania in an area dominated by Muslims and Muslim thought (which is very contrary to the dignity of women). I would love to eventually provide him with books for his school. There is another girl’s home in India who I have regular contact with that is in the same predicament. These people are poor and caring for the poorest of the poor –but through the teachings of this book, their eyes and minds could be open to a new beautiful truth about the dignity of women and this, in turn, could transform their societies.

But we will start with Pakistan.

There are 204 million people in Pakistan -4 million of which are Christian. We are unsure of the price of the books in Pakistan as of yet –most likely we will try to make them available in Urdu for around $4-5 considering the plight of the people. I hope to at least provide 2000 free books to people (at least at the beginning). Which means we need at least $10,000. Of course, I would like to do much more. After the first 2000 books are set, I will look at providing some for these pockets of homes for abandoned/abused women/girls in Africa and India. And after providing books for them, continue on with more books for Pakistan. Unless I find a donor who is set on all of their donation going towards one particular country.


October 25, 2020


These are pictures of the Urdu translator of my book, "The Holiness of Womanhood" speaking at different seminars for various religious denominations about my book. The incredible teaching of St. Edith Stein and St. Pope John Paul II on the Dignity and Vocation of Women from my book is being taught to the people (specifically women) of Pakistan regardless of religious background in the simplest ways. But getting them physical books would be incredibly transformative.

October 31, 2020

Do you want to be part of the solution?
Do you want to bring HOPE and HEALING to the persecuted Church and abused women of Pakistan?

For just $5 you can help provide a FREE BOOK to the suffering Church and women of Pakistan.

The following is not just a distant news article. In God's Own mysterious plan He has given me very close 'on the ground' friendships with the persecuted Catholic Church in Pakistan. My heart was broken when I saw this article in a news feed the other day. But then when I received the following email from my translator today I was just floored.

You -by a $5 donation to my GoFundMe (click
here for link) -you can provide a book to these suffering women to cast out fear, to restore hope, to let them know that Catholics in American know about their pain, love them, and are with them... even from afar.

You can help bring justice to Arzoo (an innocent, Catholic child abducted, abused, forced into conversion and 'married' to a 45-year-old man). This is sick. It is evil. And we can give these people Jesus' LIGHT.

PLEASE PRAY about donating -even just a $5 cup of coffee -to help me provide books to these people who are thirsting for them. I really am not going to make money from translations of my book -at least in Pakistan. The percentage I receive from each book is absolutely NOTHING... but God wants me to be generous and not only ignore that fact, but strive to do even more... to provide books for FREE. Once I have enough in this fund, we can begin printing. I literally am waiting for YOU.

Please share this. And if each of you could spare a little... we could do A LOT to transform this wounded, evil culture (and practice) in the Middle East. It starts today, here, now, with a couple of fish and few loaves of bread. I have given what I can to this fund... now I need Jesus to multiply it through YOU.
And please pray for this work and the suffering little girls in Pakistan.

Email I received today from my translator:

"Dear Mary,
Greetings and hope you read this message in the best of your health. Mary, I hope you have heard about the sad news of a young girl named Arzoo. She is a thirteen years old girl from Karachi (Pakistan) kidnapped by 44 years old Muslim who forced her to convert to Islam and marry him.
Arzoo is from a Christian family from the parish of St. Anthony of Karachi. The child was kidnapped by a Muslim while playing outside her home.
Every family and all young girls are sad and afraid these days. There are many protests on the roads as well.
Young Christian girls (even boys) are losing hope and really uncertain about their future. Parents (especially mothers) are also looking for some hope and peace.
There is sadness in the air in our place. So, I decided to go to the churches to spread some hope in this tough time.
Today I got an opportunity to talk to the Christian youth in one of our churches in Lahore. In the beginning of my talk everyone was sad. everyone shared their uncertainty. Everyone is experiencing their hopelessness.
Then I started reading a few cites from your book. Later I translated in Urdu (as many of them could not understand English well).
Gradually I felt a certain kind of hope, peace and some joy. I spent some time with them on chapter 8 of your book “Woman and the Cross, The Eucharist and Prayer”.
Mary, thanks for bringing hope, joy and peace to our wounded women through your book. Pakistani women need your book in Urdu. This has become the sign of time in our situation. Everyday our women are facing bitter realities, your book can bring them some understanding and peace.
Our women (rich, poor, old, young, educated, uneducated, urban, rural and of course wounded) are waiting to be healed, and your book can bring some healing and understanding.
Take care and God bless you. Everything will be done according to God’s plan.
Aqif Shahzad"

Please see:

November 5, 2020

I am so happy to tell you that I was able to send the money that we have already collected on to Pakistan to print 184 books... this will enable us to eventually provide 184 books for FREE to those most influential and needy in the Pakistani culture -and this will eventually profoundly help to heal the Pakistani women (and men, for that matter).
Please continue to pray for DONORS so that we can reach many more souls!!

November 21, 2020

I ask for your continued prayers for my project of the Urdu version IN PAKISTAN. Finally last week they approved the final version for the printer (they had to convert our system to theirs) and the small money that I collected reached Lahore and was received by those working on the project. When they went Monday morning to pay for the printing to begin they were informed that the printer suddenly died last week. He was about 48-years-old, a Christian and the father of three daughters and a son. I ask for prayers for his soul and all involved. He was a good man willing to work with us on getting these printed without having a whole lot of money upfront. They were supposed to meet with a second printer this week and get it going -but I ask for prayers for protection of all involved, for powerful fruitfulness in the hearts of men and women, both inside and outside of the Church, to be transformed into the image of God's design for them. Also I ask for PRAYERS FOR MORE DONATIONS to get these books available for free to the people -even just if each friend sacrificed one $5 coffee or the like and donated -we could provide thousands. When I have asked those involved in Pakistan if they were afraid to have their name used or to be involved (since the Church is so greatly persecuted there), they told me that they were not afraid and willing to risk what sacrifices were needed in order to help and defend women -their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. They remind me of this quote of Pope John Paul II that I will include below. Please pray for these courageous souls!!

December 31, 2020

Our books have been printed in Pakistan! We are so excited to start distributing and selling them next week. The first group will be sold to make enough money for additional printings, from which the free books will be given away.

The women of Pakistan suffer so greatly. ABC news ran an article this week about how 1000 girls are kidnapped or tricked and then forced to convert to Islam -many of them young girls of ages 13 or 14 forced to marry 45 year old men. It is very disturbing.

Women in general are not respected in this area of the world -and now for the first time they will have an opportunity to learn the Catholic Church's teaching on the dignity and vocation of women as taught by our holy St. Pope John Paul II, St. Edith Stein and Archbishop Fulton Sheen. I wonder if these saints ever dreamed that their beautiful teachings would be used to heal the wounded women of the Middle East by their work being translated into Urdu. For more information on the situation of these suffering girls in Pakistan, please see:

And PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION to make this book available for free for these wounded women and those who care for them. Just $5 provides a book for one of them. What a wonderful way to end the Year and to honor Our Lady on Her Feast Day tomorrow -as the Mother of God.

If we can raise enough money for this project in Pakistan, I have priests who work with young Christian women/girls in other Muslim areas of the world (Zanzibar, for example) who have requested copies of this book in English as well.

Our Lady of Pakistan, pray for us!
Our Lady of the persecuted ones, pray for us!

January 4, 2021

Just a few more pictures of my book in Pakistan! Thank you for your help!

January 6, 2021


Many of you saw my prayer request this week for Bishop Moses who was kidnapped in Eastern Nigeria. Usually the persecution of Christians is in the North, and the Church is rather safe in the South/East. But not anymore.

This following news article was passed on to me earlier this week -on the same day, actually, as a request from a Vincentian seminarian in Nigeria to please help him somehow get copies of my book, 'The Holiness of Womanhood' spread throughout the Muslim North where he lives (and all of Nigeria, actually). I had mailed him a copy a couple of months ago and he shared it with his fellow seminarians and they are on fire to get this message of the dignity and vocation of women to all the African people. He said that a couple of days ago he was in a store and a Muslim man walked in bragging that he had beaten one of his wives to a pulp. This courageous seminarian (not revealing who he was) actually approached this man (a Muslim, mind you, similar to those below who are killing Christians) and spent a few hours explaining to him about the dignity of women and his duty as a man to protect them, based in what he read in my book.

The Holy Spirit has set this man so on fire about the Church's teaching that he found in the book that he has sought out Nigerian printers to help print the book there for much cheaper than we can here and then ship them. I ask for your prayers for this project.
His plan (with his brother seminarians and priests) is to take this message one man and woman at a time to the hearts of those they work and live among (regardless of religion). Yet, like in Pakistan, we need your help.

I do not have the details of this project yet as they are still forming, but I do know that I need donors to help fund the initial printing. Our desire is to get as many books as possible into the hands and hearts of the Africans -especially in Nigeria where the persecution of the Church is so great. I have similar requests from priests working with young girls in Zanzibar (a country that is almost totally Muslim). These men risk their lives to do this -all we ask of you is to prayerfully consider donating the price of a cup of coffee to make books available to the poorest women and those who care for them. Eventually the hope would be to have some given away even for free in Nigeria (if I can come up with enough money.) And we will need to provide them for free to the young girls in the Christian school in Zanzibar.

For now, please consider helping the priests and seminarians of Nigeria with this project. Although I am still in debt from what I provided for Pakistan, I will allocate ALL donations DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY (unless you otherwise specify to me) given to my GoFundMe page for books for persecuted Christians to this project in Nigeria. JANUARY 13TH IS MY BIRTHDAY! Please, donate to this fund so we can save the bodies, minds and souls of women (often abused) in this great African country who provides most of our missionary priests in the US.

January 11, 2021

Testimonies from Pakistan!
Here are what three of the people who purchased my book in Urdu are saying... one of them is going to read it to a group of 100 illiterate women. Women are crying because they always wanted to be men and for the first time in their lives they are hearing that they are made in the image and likeness and God. This is incredibly beautiful. Thank you for your help with this project.

I have $400 to send to northern Nigeria to print 300 copies of the book to distribute for free to priests and seminarians -and possibly sell some in order to raise money for a second printing. If we can raise $100 more dollars, it will help the individual involved with travel expenses to get these distributed. Please pray for this work.
God bless you and Happy Monday!

January 21, 2021

My book "The Holiness of Womanhood" is being printing in Northern NIGERIA!!

This is really miraculous.
I wrote this book hoping that I could help Americans with the same material that I helped the rest of the missionary world with for many years. And yet, God always overdoes our expectations. Instead, it has somehow reached our severely persecuted Christian brothers and sisters all over the world and they are thrilled to work with me to get it printed more affordably in their own country. It will be spread much less expensively than here (and there's absolutely no profit in third world countries -in fact, it costs me to do this) and those who receive or buy copies are already planning meetings where they gather large numbers of illiterate women to read and guide through the teachings in this book. Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Fulton Sheen and St. Edith Stein have got to be thrilled that their teachings on women are being spread this way.

These books in Northern Nigeria will be given away for free -primarily to priests and seminarians all over the country. The plan is to get them into every seminary and university, so that the people formed there can go out and teach the others. We also have 50 of the 300 books accounted for going to a priest who works in the North to rescue abused women threatened by death. If you give birth to multiples (twins or triplets) in the North, you are considered cursed and both the mother and children are buried alive. This priest rescues them, but now he will be able to share this book with them to heal their hearts and help them to understand their true dignity. Most of the North is Muslim and it is beautiful to me that a priest is saving Muslim women. And it is amazing that I specialize as a nanny in multiples (twins and triplets) and that now my books will save these 'special children' of mine.

I blurred the faces and names on these pictures because several priests have been murdered in the past few weeks in the North simply for being Christian. We already encountered problems with the persecuted Church in other countries so we want to keep some details of this quiet. And yet, Jesus said, 'Do not be afraid! And let your light shine before men!' and so I agreed to share these pictures with you so that you can see the physical fruit of our efforts.

If you feel called to support providing these books (and the healing it brings to both men and women) to the persecuted Church (in Nigeria, in Pakistan, in Zanzibar or another place) please consider donating to my GoFundMe for that purpose. It will be used for the greatest need unless you specify wanting to help a particular group or country.

Please pray for this -for protection, for fruitfulness, for donations, for LIFE...
Thank you and God bless you!!

February 6, 2021

What's on my mind?

First, if you haven't gotten a copy of "Holiness of Womanhood" and "Out of the Darkness" please see Amazon and do... (I will put the link in the comments) -either or both would be awesome Lenten material for you. I am blown away by the response of the poor and foreigners to these books, and yet so disappointed in the wealthy, the Americans or 'friends' who are not interested here... since that is why I originally wrote the books. But I am reminded so clearly of Matthew 22:1-14. I guess I am just like the Father in all of this... but somehow I would rather not be. :)

"Jesus again in reply spoke to them in parables, saying,
“The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come. A second time he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those invited: “Behold, I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast.”’ Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged ...Then he said to his servants, ‘The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.’ The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests... Many are invited, but few are chosen.”

Although the English sales of my book are way below what any of us expected, sales are exploding in Urdu in Pakistan. In a few short weeks 700 copies have been sold and the remaining 300 will be picked up from the printer this week and distributed. My translator wrote to me:
"I have sold books in different areas of Lahore. There are really many women and men even who have a thirst to read this book but they have no money to buy. I also wish to print “Out of Darkness” in Urdu because these days’ Christians are really suffering in Pakistan. Even three days before a woman named Tabita (a gospel singer) she was the victim of blasphemy. Everyone knows she is innocent. But people really beat her badly in the hospital while she was on her duty. She is a nurse by profession. I really do not know what could be done for these innocent women but at least books like Out of Darkness and Holiness of womanhood can give them hope. These books (especially new one) will tell them that Jesus has suffered for our suffering. And he is very much present in our daily suffering. Everyday Christina women and men are suffering in this country.

I have really left everything on God, he will guide but need your continued prayers.

I have attached a few pictures of the promotion of Holiness of Womanhood. In every picture I am in groups or with individuals to promote this book. And here I must say that women in my place do not feel easy being pictured. So sometimes I find it tough to take pictures. So I have to respect their will. That is why I do not have so many pictures. I am sure you will understand this gap..."

I have included his new pictures below. Imagine a gentle tilling of the hearts of Pakistan dried up from lack of love, lack of truth, centuries of abuse... its really beautiful to witness this tidal wave. 700 books have been sold or given away, but they are read to groups of illiterate women at times -as big as hundred at a time -so really this book has probably reached 20,000 people. That's incredible.

Because of the great poverty in Pakistan the books have been distributed basically at cost or for free. WE NEED MONEY for more printing, as well as to print my new book 'Out of the Darkness' which is ready for printing in Urdu.

In LENT, we practice prayer, penance and ALMSGIVING. I ask you to please prayerfully consider donating to our Gofundme in order to provide copies of these books for persecuted Christians. 300 books should be available in Northern Nigeria in the next few weeks. Your gift goes very far in these countries.

Please, spread the word about them.
Start by sharing this post.
Start by buying 4 books -2 for yourself and 2 to give away.
Start by saying a prayer...
Yes, please, PRAY FOR THE FRUTIFULNESS of this mission: here in the US, in the Middle East and North Africa, in Poland, Russia and among the Hispanics (as we have Spanish available.) Hearts are dried up and cold, but our prayer can open them and these words can set them on fire.

Also, please consider becoming a monthly Patreon donor to my ministry. This also allows for me to provide my materials for free. I wake up at 3:40am... I simply cannot get a second job on top of my already grueling schedule, so many missionary works in so many countries and languages, and still trying to live a semblance of the hermity contemplative life I am actually called to...

Thank you!!!
Come Holy Spirit.

March 14, 2021

For months I have been working with a Seminarian in Northern Nigeria to get some of my books 'The Holiness of Womanhood' printed there (because it is too expensive for me to buy them here and ship them there). We were able to print 300 copies at a fraction of the cost.

Because he is a seminarian he is uncomfortable in selling them so that we have more money to print more... so he will be giving them away for free to priests, seminaries and now, Muslim professors, student and women at a mosque.

He wrote:
" ... (have) arranged with an Islamic college to give some to their teachers and students. The Imam has given him a go ahead to come give some copies to at the mosque.
Muslims here in Nigeria lack great respect for women. I budgeting 100 copies for them."

Unfortunately, the printer was not exactly honest with him about the timing and kept making him come to pick them up only to be told that the work wasn't finished. This cost quite a big amount in wasted taxis (that he had arranged to pay more than normal in order to help him carry the boxes). And he also needs funds to mail them to the priests and seminaries in Nigeria that would like copies.

We are so thankful that the work is finally finished. The pictures below are the final days of them putting these 300 books together. They are sure to deeply change hearts (especially if you all in your great mercy would keep this project in prayer).

I had to send him some money today because the printer finished the job but he literally had no money to go pick the books up. We don't want them sitting there because we don't know what could happen to them. But I really truly do not have any more of my own personal money to be sending people on these projects. What I sent is money allocated for my bills. I trust that God will provide, but if He so moves you in wanting to help me (in a big or small way) to make these books available for free for people (presently priests, seminarians and interested Muslims -who are known to greatly abuse women -in Nigeria), please send me a private message. Helping me through PayPal is the simplest way.

The cross of writing this, providing it for people, keeping up on all communication (often internationally in different languages), praying and suffering for fruit in hearts is huge... I can't do it all alone... please consider being my Simon of Cyrene and praying for this project, spreading the word about my books here in America and offering me a tithe to help spread these messages to the neediest souls on earth.
Thank you!! ++++
Jesus, we trust in You. 

March 25, 2021

So, after much work we were able to print 300 copies of 'The Holiness of Womanhood' for Nigeria. They will be given for free to priests and seminaries so that seminarians will have access to them in their school libraries. By priests and seminarians reading it, they will pass the message on to the people who do not have the resources or the tradition of reading books as we do.

Also, an Islamic collage in the North (and the Imam at the local mosque) has requested 100 copies for the people at the school and the mosque. How incredible it is that these Muslims will learn Christian teaching through studying Our Lady in my book and Jesus' teaching of the dignity of the human person as taught by Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, St. Edith Stein and other saints!

Please continue to pray for this work and consider a donation to help the spread of this book (and 'Out of the Darkness about the suffering of Christ) in the Middle East and Northern Africa. You can contact me privately or go through gofundme.

I received this message yesterday:

"Your book reaches a group of nurses and High school students in Northern Nigeria. These are Muslim girls." 

March 30, 2021

Thirty of my books, "The Holiness of Womanhood," have reached a seminary in Nigeria. These men are so thrilled to have these free copies as a resource for their studies, ministries and future priesthood. If you put a book in the hand of a priest, you reach all of the souls he touches.

A religious sister received one over last weekend and it was passed around her convent -they have requested 25 copies for their sisters and to use with the Novices in Formation.

Another religious sister is distributing the book in the Muslim North to the people she serves in a hospital.
Please pray for the continued fruit of this work in Nigeria, Pakistan and other places where Christians are severely persecuted. A very kind donor gave me over half of the money I need to print another 300 in Nigeria -so all that I need is about another $200.

I will post testimonies from these seminarians, sisters and Muslims who have been touched by this work soon. 

Some more pictures from Nigeria... a few of these women belong to the Nigerian Women's Council... a group of people from the village are going to find a learned person to lead a class based on the book...

March 31, 2021

"Out of the Darkness" has been printed in Urdu and 1000 copies are being distributed throughout Pakistan.

If you want to be part of this great work, please see my GoFundMe pages.

Today my translator wrote to me:

"Greetings and hope you get this message in the best of your health. As I shared with you that these days during Holy Week I am sharing “Out of Darkness” with different groups.

Today I was able to approach one school and one family to share the suffering of God and his love from this book.

Teachers after reading this book were full of tears. They acknowledged that these tears are of deep sorrow for Jesus' suffering as well as joy of his great love.

I was able to give a few books in their school as they promised to read this with a big group on Good Friday.

Then the pictures of a group is a family picture. Where a mother with her children was able to read this book loud. The good thing is that the mother could not read but her small daughter read it for her and the whole group. All praise to God. It was really a feeling that as Jesus is being suffered right before them.

There is a small baby she is my daughter, she cannot read but I just gave her the book so that she can touch and feel it. Somewhere I believe that Jesus is touching her with his wounded and loving hands.

This whole week is busy in spreading the good news from this book. I will be sharing soon again.

Thank you very much Mary, for your love for my people.

Thank you very much Dr. Sebastian for your concern and love and efforts that you put to send the money. I have really no words to say thank you to both of you.
But believe me that your hard work has been rewarded.

Readers in my country find it easy to see their own suffering in this book. Everyday many Christian men and women are being crucified.


Many persecuted Christians have found healing, courage and meaning through meditating on the Passion of Christ as presented in Mary Kloska's book, 'Out of the Darkness.' They have requested help in getting the book printed and into the hands of those suffering the most, especially in Pakistan. Initially we need $1700 to print 1000 copies of this book, but hope to raise enough to repeat the printing either in Pakistan or Northern Nigeria. Please consider making a generous donation to help those whose lives are daily at risk for being Christian to find healing, strength and courage to be both interior (and sometimes physical) martyrs.

April 6, 2021

Fruitfulness in the Middle East and North Africa!

I am continued to be amazed at God's work through my books in the places of the persecuted Church. Below are pictures of the newly printed 'Holiness of Womanhood' in Nigeria where 300 copies have been given to seminaries, Muslim collages, hospitals, mosques and Catholic parishes and villages. It is amazing to me that God has used this book both to touch the persecuted Christians as well as the Muslims who are persecuting them. Several copies have reached the leaders of the Nigerian Women's Movement and several places are planning retreats or conferences to reflect more deeply upon what is written within the book. I have just sent the needed money to start the printing of 300 more copies to be given away to needy souls for free.

In Pakistan, 1000 copies of 'The Holiness of Womanhood' in Urdu have been distributed and presently 1000 copies of 'Out of the Darkness' in Urdu are being dispersed. My translator wrote to me that be be a Christian in their country is certain persecution and always runs the threat of death. Often people are falsely accused of things and burned alive simply for their faith. Young Catholic girls are kidnapped and forced into Muslim marriages with men 4 times their age. The stories of atrocities are horrific and actually true. My translator wrote to me that my book about the suffering of Jesus gives meaning to their suffering and turns their eyes to heaven as a place of hope. He says that it is very important for his people because it 'gives meaning to the suffering they endure.'

Please continue to pray for the continued fruitfulness of God's work through these books in both Nigeria and Pakistan and please consider a donation to one of these two book funds to provide free copies of these books to the persecuted Christians of the world. 

I will end here simply with one witness story about how the Urdu translation of 'Out of the Darkness' transformed a wheelchair-bound man's life in Pakistan:


I have attached a few pictures of Mr. Shahid who witnessed his conversion through this book.

His name is Shahid Khan. Mr. Shahid was born in a village and belongs to a very poor family. He cannot walk properly since his childhood. When he was a child, he was brought to the doctors a few times. The doctors said that there are chances of him to walk but his poverty never allowed him to do so.

He was very hardworking. He used to sell small things. He never got enough money for his needs. Then he got married and got a daughter. To meet their needs he never had enough money. So, Many times he adopted wrong ways to earn money.

A few days back when I met him. I gave him “Out of Darkness” in Urdu. He was supposed to join group reading but could not do so as our reading was on the second floor. I was surprised that he read this book so many times. When I saw him I saw tears in his eyes. He acknowledged that this book has helped him to know Jesus. And this book has helped him to understand his own suffering. He said that today I came to know who he is and what the purpose of his life on earth is. He also said today I know that Jesus loves me so much.

He confessed his wrong doing and asked forgiveness to God. He also asked for a Bible which he never read throughout his life. He also asked for more Urdu books so he can give it to his friends who are not on God’s path.

This incident indeed made me cry too. I thanked God that he understood his own suffering through this book. All glory to God.

I am really thankful to God and Mary to you who wrote such an insightful book. I never thought that a book written in your country can bring change in my people here."

I really wish and pray that people may help and donate more so I may be able to give a few free copies to my persecuted Christians here.

It's still Holy Week but the spirit of Risen Jesus is very much visible in the air at my place because of this book."

April 7, 2021

This is really beautiful and amazing. The first pictures go with this text I received: "Your life- changing book was distributed at a Muslim College to their teachers. Whoever reads your book gives testimony of it. They now know better what it means to be a Woman." 

The last picture (of the girl) goes with this text: "The lady below saw my dad reading the book and says she likes the cover painting and title and she was given a copy. She is a bread seller. She hawks for her parent to earn a living. This book definitely will change her life."

April 11-18th, 2021

CHILDREN OF THE CROSS - My translator in Pakistan sent me these pictures today with very sad news of the continuing persecution of Christians in his country. For a long time I have wanted to start a prayer group of children (and adults with childlike souls) to pray for priests. I even discussed it in my new book, "In Our Lady's Shadow: the Spirituality of Praying for Priests". Well, Aqif has taken my books and started a prayer group (made up of mostly children) in Pakistan to pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters. I have decided that I will join him in this work and found my little Apostolate of the Children of the Cross. We will form little prayer groups of children to gather the First Friday of the Month (for now I will be able to host it at 3:30pm -the Hour of Jesus' Death and Divine Mercy) to pray for BOTH priests and persecuted Christians. It will be very simple -some spontaneous prayer, a Chaplet of Divine Mercy, a decade of the Rosary and perhaps a Chaplet of Sorrows. The little prayer group will last about 30-45 minutes. I will invite the children who come to bring pictures of the priests and others who they want to pray for. Any children (or people) in my area who want to come over at 3:30 on the First Friday of the month to pray are welcome. It would be helpful to let me know ahead of time if you are coming and the number (since I might have to move it to a bigger location if we get a handful of big families), but you don't have to and God will provide. Also, any mother (or other person) who would like to start their own little group in their home or parish can contact me and we will unite this into something official.

Below is the email I received from Aqif this morning and I ask anyone who is moved and wants to help contribute to get more books printed in Pakistan to please let me know or visit one of my two gofundme's for this purpose. Both books are sorely needed and the price of printing is just about $1.5/book. With around $3000 we could reprint 1000 of both of them, and for about $1500 more we could print my third book which he is currently translating. Come Holy Spirit!


"Greetings and I really feel sad to share a few sad news with you.
First yesterday, two Christian nurses were accused falsely in a blasphemy case in Faisalabad (a city in Punjab). It was a very sad occasion. The surrounding environment is really sad and full of fear.

Then in Hyderabad (a city near Karachi) a woman named Agnes Nazeer Masih was raped. And even in this city people, especially women were full of fear.
And same day in the same city, a Christian girl of 16 years was forced to get married to a Muslim person.
Now these kinds of stories, every day, are there to make sure that Christians are daily persecuted in our country. And no one is there to follow these cases. Everyday many young men and women are persecuted because they are Christians.

These three sad and shocking incidents really made me and everyone cry. So I gathered a group of five people (young and even children) to pray for them. We read paragraphs from your book “Out of Darkness” in Urdu.

I tried to contact these victims, and told them somehow that a small group is praying with them in their persecution. I told them that Jesus is with us in this suffering. We and Jesus both have emotional, psychological and physical sufferings.
Mary, I am sure, you really do not know how much your book is bringing hope to our persecuted community.

There are many women who after reading your book “Holiness of womanhood” acknowledged that your book has told them the true meaning of being women.

May God provide us with more, so I can print a few more “Holiness of womanhood” and distribute it among persecuted Christian community. I also wish to give more “Out of Darkness” to persecuted women for free here in Pakistan.

We are really thanking God, that HE is using your writings as a source of peace, hope and comfort here in my country.

I am sharing a picture of a group of five people. You may use it. We have decided to use this group wherever persecution takes place. We will use your book “out of Darkness”. Gradually we will increase groups. The main responsibility of this group is to use your book and pray for all persecuted communities here in Pakistan and throughout the world.
And thank you to you again.
Need your continued prayers.”


April 16, 2021

Greetings to you Mary and Dr. Sebastian 

I am very happy to share with you that we had a wonderful prayer session with “Cross of the Children” just now. It was an experience full of the Holy Spirit. Children prayed for all the persecuted Christians in Pakistan and throughout the world. Children also prayed for all the priests in the whole world and also in Pakistan.

We had a special short prayer for the nurses who were recently falsely accused of blasphemy and going through life threats. There were tears in the eyes of all children. 

At the end I encouraged all the children to write thank you letters to God for all the priests who always do their best to give us direction.

Next time, I have asked them to bring pictures of the priests and persecuted Christians with them.

I am witnessing that our small room was full of the Holy Spirit.

 Thank you to God and thanks to you for your motivation and blessings.

I am sharing a few pictures of today’s prayer session. And please use these pictures to spread our message of peace.

Note: I also need your continued prayers as I have started translating the book “In our Lady’s Shadow – Spirituality of Praying for Priests. I used a few references today from this book and from “Out of Darkness”.

And I am also praying that God may provide us with some funds so to have few more books on Holiness of Womanhood and some free books of “Out of Darkness”

Many people are asking for books but I feel sorry that I cannot give them free. May God provide us some assistance so I may give them as they are really in need. 

Once again thanks God for all HE is doing for us. I also thank God for your life Mary. Thanks for being light and hope in our darkness and despair here in Pakistan. 



 April 18, 2021

 Greetings to both of you,

It’s almost midnight here and I'm just back after visiting a family. We had a short prayer session on “Out of Darkness''.  I personally believe that this youth is also Children of the Cross as they have hearts like children. Always depending on God and obeying him as their father. So, now youth is also involved in this sacred mission of praying for all the priests and persecuted Christians throughout the world.

Later I would love to form a group of adults (old, of different professions) to pray for all priests.

In today’s activity, we just dedicated about an hour to read this book. I just let them choose a paragraph and encouraged them to medicate upon it and share.

The whole sharing and reading was full of wisdom, insightfulness and of course Holy Spirit.

Then I was also able to go to the church close by. I was joyful to see simple women there. I had a short sharing about “Holiness of Womanhood”. I just asked them to sit and think about their womanhood. Later I will develop my session with them. I promised them that God willing we will soon have a few copies of this book “Holiness of Womanhood”.

Mary, after reading (it was more than reading) your books I really feel that God has called me to be the source of peace and comfort for persecuted churches in my country.

Secondly, I always loved priests, but after reading your book (and as I am also translating) I feel that it is my responsibility to pray with them and for them.

You might have noticed that in the “Out of Darkness” reading session, there is a small girl of about three years. She is my daughter. I always encourage her to sit in a group. She cannot read but she understands that we are sitting for some sacred purpose. I am teaching her from her childhood so I do not have to teach her when she is a big girl.

Thanks and blessings to you.

We are all in need of each other's continued prayers. 


Greetings to you.

I am very happy to share today’s prayer session of Children of the Cross. In the afternoon I went to a church and I shared about the value of prayer with them. Then I had a short prayer session with children.

Encouragement for our persecuted brothers in Pakistan -below is a little 20 minute talk Mary Kloska gave to altar servers (12-17 years old) in Pakistan.

April 30, 2021 -A seminarian (who is helping to distribute my books in Nigeria) wrote to me:

"This book is so unique that even Muslims love to read it. They're also making request for it.

Mary your book touching both Muslims and Christians alike. Thank for what you're doing in Nigeria"

From a seminarian in Nigeria:  

"Hello Mary! I am glad and happy to get your book from one my brother Seminarians in Enugu. I am grateful that you gave me the book and other brothers free. Thank you in a million. Some persons didn't get but I was privileged to get one.

The book is really inspiring and has touched me and will really be helpful for me in Africa ministry. Your analogy about how a woman is gift makes me appreciate women more. Many women in Africa don't know this- that they're a gift."

"Good Evening My Ma'am! This is Seminarian Mathew Onuche Emmanuel From Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, Nigeria.

How are you doing this day Ma?

… This is to testify that I have freely received your well-articulated book titled "THE HOLINESS OF WOMANHOOD" and (I testify that it is) a book out of many books! I am yet to finish it but with the new inspirations I got while reading this book, I will not relent till I finish reading it. I therefore, recommend this singular book that was dedicated in honor of the Virtuous Motherhood of our blessed Mother Virgin Mary to every woman in (who doubts) her worth, to be re-clarified and re-corrected of that inferiority feminism conceptions in her mind. Good things are indeed, not ever enough. I plea if more copies can be sent across to us. Every one of my seminarians would love to have one and also for my fellow seminarians in other seminaries. KUDOS TO YOU! YOU ARE A VOICE ON BEHALF OF MANY VOICES, A PSYCHOLOGIST, A TUTOR, AN ADVOCATE, A WOMAN WHOSE WOMANHOOD IS RIGHTLY PORTRAYED IN THIS BOOK."

April 30, 2021 -Retreat for Altar Servers in Pakistan -they played a video of me giving them a talk about 'service.'

Episode 57 of 'The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love': Mary Kloska Speaks on Persecuted Christians and Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Here are the testimonies from some seminarians in Nigeria as to what receiving this book for free has meant to them:

“Good Evening My Ma'am! This is Seminarian Mathew Onuche Emmanuel From Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, Nigeria.

How are you doing this day Ma?

… This is to testify that I have freely received your well-articulated book titled "THE HOLINESS OF WOMANHOOD" and (I testify that it is) a book out of many books! I am yet to finish it but with the new inspirations I got while reading this book, I will not relent till I finish reading it. I therefore, recommend this singular book that was dedicated in honor of the Virtuous Motherhood of our blessed Mother Virgin Mary to every woman in (who doubts) her worth, to be re-clarified and re-corrected of that inferiority feminism conceptions in her mind. Good things are indeed, not ever enough. I plea if more copies can be sent across to us. Every one of my seminarians would love to have one and also for my fellow seminarians in other seminaries. KUDOS TO YOU! YOU ARE A VOICE ON BEHALF OF MANY VOICES, A PSYCHOLOGIST, A TUTOR, AN ADVOCATE, A WOMAN WHOSE WOMANHOOD IS RIGHTLY PORTRAYED IN THIS BOOK.”


“Hello Mary! I am glad and happy to get your book from one my brother Seminarian in Enugu. Am grateful that you gave me the book and other brothers free. Thank you in a million. Some persons didn't get but I was privileged to get one.  The book is really inspiring and has touched me and will really be helpful for me in Africa ministry. Your analogy about how a woman is gift makes me appreciate women more. Many women in Africa don't know this- that they're a gift. You made sense when you said the breast is an extension of the kitchen. Many Feminists have issues about this and they've scattered many homes because they feel men should also cook but it is good like you said that women are meant to feed. Thank you very much and God bless you.” –Seminarian Junior                                                                                                      


“Thank you Mary for sending your book to our seminary that was distributed free. Thank you for such generosity. Anytime in the future as a Priest and even now as a seminarian I use the lessons of this book to minister you and all that made this free copy available will have the benefits.” (Seminarian in Nigeria)


Godwin – “Hello Mary! I got your book from a brother it's really nice and inspiring. I haven't finished reading it, I will write you again once I am through reading it. It's good for me as a future priest in my ministry.”


“Well done Mary! I can't thank you enough for sending your book to us in Nigeria free. Your book is full of insight and wisdom. It will be a great tool for ministering to women in Nigeria. I am blessed and privilege to have your book. Anyone that reads this book respects women more.” Laurent from Nigeria.


“Good afternoon and how are you doing today? I write to inform you that I received your book titled "THE HOLINESS OF WOMANHOOD" -a wonderful gift indeed given to me out of love. And in which it is written to grasp many hearts to some existing words of the scriptures which they haven't come to reflex deeply on:  what is expected of us and (especially for) women who are yet to see their womanhood as a vocation that path to heaven which has been given to them –and that despite difficulties (how they can) go to Jesus, fall in love with him and give him everything. So I recommend this beautiful book to people who are yet to have the insight of the unique calling of womanhood that they may be ever there to listen to God's call for them to enkindle the fire in them on our world today. I am Vincent Idoko, a Seminarian of Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, Nigeria.”

Another seminarian from Nigeria sent me this synopsis of the situation with the Igla women -simply to let me know what the struggles are for them concerning women, and hoping that my book "The Holiness of Womanhood" could help heal these wounds:

From Nigeria -May 7, 2021: 

"Good Afternoon! Some Muslims Professors who requested for your book received them with joy! This book though has Catholic teaching but Muslims enjoy it as well. They keep asking for it. Only these ones were able to get it, because of the limited copy we have. All I can say is thank you for the many lives and changes you're bringing into Nigeria. Women get to know their worth, value, and function by reading your book. You're giving their lives meaning. Thank you Mary!


This woman is an Alhaja she has been to Mecca. A very renowned Muslims. She teaches a group of young muslim children-boys and girl in her house Islamic doctrines. Something similar to the Catholic catechism class. Those Islamic kids are going to benefit from your book since she has one."

Mary Kloska's Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings of May 9, 2021

in relation to Her Work with Persecuted Christians

May 9, 2021

This is so beautiful to hear... (even if sad)...

What a beautiful Mother's Day gift to hear that God is using my little nothing book to touch and heal not only Catholics and Muslims, but Christians of other denominations.

All I can do is thank my Urdu translator in Pakistan Aqif Shahzad for doing such an incredible job gardening and watering the seed of my books in the hearts of his people... Read this testimony below!!!

Come Holy Spirit!

"Greetings and wish you a very happy Mother Day,

Three days ago, I got a call from one pastor (he doesn’t belong to a catholic church -he's some other denomination) and he invited me to conduct a short session for a Mother Day program. I said that I would do it happily and I asked him the purpose of this program.

The pastor said that he has a group of young women in his church. And in this group two women were raped about one year back. Then there is a woman whose husband has been in prison because he was falsely accused of blaspheme, he has been in jail for more than four years.

Then next I was surprised to listen to him. He asked that I please share with my group from the book “Holiness of Womanhood”. I asked him how he knew about this book.

Then I came to know that about a few months back this pastor was attending a prayer service in some other church. And there he heard the witness of three women who got hope, peace, comfort and some kind of conversion after reading this book. So he took my contact number from those women and called me.

Then I said yes, and requested that he should also invite men. Because men must also listen to this all. I believe that in Pakistan many women are being deprived of their rights and dignity because of men.

So I went there and I shared chapter 2 “Woman as Gift” and chapter 4 “Woman as Mother.”

Then at the end when I asked them to reflect about the questions that is given at the end chapter 2

"What are my gifts of my body that God gave to me? How is my body a gift?"

Believe me those women who were raped had tears in their eyes. I asked them to write their feelings to God, their charts ( I gave them charts to write) were wet. Even men had tears in their eyes when they listened to them.

At the end of the program I saw a smile on those women and some hope. I promised them that I would give them some books very soon.

(Here are a) few pictures of this program.

Thank you Jesus, thank you Mother Mary and really thank you Mary Kloska.

We always knew that suffering is bad and curse but after reading your books we know suffering is also a gift of God, suffering is also a sign of love."

May 31, 2021



The Lord is doing really miraculous things through my little books (and some very generous and courageous people) in both Pakistan and Nigeria. Two Islamic collages in Nigeria and one in Pakistan have requested copies of 'The Holiness of Womanhood' to use in their classes, libraries and to give to the professors and students. Religious sisters are being set on fire with the teachings of the Church. And all of my books are giving my translator in Pakistan the courage to step out (despite danger) to engage with the Muslim leaders begging for a stop to the rape, forced conversion and slaughter of Christians. Please PRAY FOR THESE PEOPLE!

And please consider helping concretely by donating to the GoFundMe to finance the printing and distribution of "In Our Lady's Shadow: the Spirituality of Praying for Priests" in both of these countries. They are using my teaching in this book to start prayer groups in both countries to pray for both priests and persecuted Christians. Please read about their work below. If several of you could pitch in, the burden wouldn't fall all on one person and so, so much good could be spread not only in these countries, but then throughout the world!

The GoFundMe link is:

Please take a moment and read these updates from my Nigerian contact as well as from Aqif, my Pakistani translator. IT IS VERY WORTH THE THREE MINUTES IT TAKES TO READ!


"All I will say is thank you for what you and Dr. Sebastian Mahfood for what you're doing in Nigeria. I know Muslims believe in Mary- (Miriam) but they don't make devotion to her. When a Muslim makes a request of a book that is written by a Catholic and has Catholic doctrine-then it is obvious that it is inspiring and making a difference among them. The Holiness of Womanhood has a bold picture of Mary on the front page. A Muslim professor requested my dad to give some copies to their female students, though he just had a few copies for their students and teachers. This took place in two different Islamic colleges.

When we go on vacation next month and we are done printing you will get a lot of pictures and testimonies! I pray that you money and miracle happens so that we can also print In Our Lady's Shadows. I will be free to organize little children to pray for priests during the vacation, organize women conferences and young lady's (retreats) during the holidays. Expect big things and testimonies from next month. I have two places in mind for the school I spoke about, where slavery has been existing and other evils because education can eradicate that from the people. My spirit tells me strongly that they will donate a land to me free. I will meet their Local Chief-Monarch. Please pray towards it. In schools like this children can have in their program the daily routine of praying for priests."


May 31, 2021

"Greetings of the Lord and Mother Mary be with you!

Indeed I had a very busy weekend. I really praise the Lord for all he is doing. I was able to say rosary with the Children of the Cross. I asked them to bring pictures for all the persecuted people. You can see in one of the pictures that they have really brought so many pictures that we have to choose a few. But this showed their faith in prayer.

Then in one picture a lady is leading in prayer. She prayed for all the people especially who are tortured because they are Christians.

Then in one of the pictures a man is leading in a prayer. He is also leading Children of the Cross. These poor children are very happy when they pray.

In one of the places that I visited yesterday, I told children that let's pray for all the poor and persecuted. So one of the children from the group said that we are also in the same condition. I told her that then lets pray for ourselves as well.

I showed a short movie to one group about Mother Mary. And then I also showed a small documentary about persecution on Christian people in my country.

Then the good thing is that, I was able to meet a group of Muslim leaders. They were all from big institutions and have their say. I shared your book with them. I also told them about facts and figures about what is happening in Pakistan. I told them that each year 1,000 Pakistani girls forcibly converted to Islam. Honestly speaking it is very dangerous to tell these things but I feel someone has to take steps. They listened to me. One of the Muslim leader was professor in Islamic University. He said he would like to keep this book in the university library. I gave him “Holiness of Womanhood”.

That is really true that very year more than thousand girls are converted to Islam forcefully.

Then a sad incident happened a few days back. In the hospital early morning a Christian nurse was raped by three Muslims. A really sad incident. It is true that in my place Christians are not safe, especially women. I am trying to reach that nurse just to tell her that we are praying for her.

Your books have given me courage to do something for my people in Pakistan. Your books are a source of hope and peace. Your books have given a purpose in my life to serve my community. My people have found peace in your writings. This is God’s will, His call for me to be the voice of my people.

Thank you very much and I need your continued prayers."


June 6, 2021

"Elated College students have been blessed to have your book. Their lives are going to be better after reading this book. I see the smile on their faces."


June 4, 2021

"Greetings in the name of our Lord!

Today I visited the printer. And he said that our books “In our Lady’s Shadow: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests, will be ready, God willingly, on 10th of this month (Thursday) in the afternoon. We are very happy about this.

I have contacted seven priests (including Fr. Yermiah) who are waiting for this book and ready to use this book as well in groups, parishes, communities and hopefully in seminaries as well. This weekend I have a meeting with two priests regarding this book and we will form more prayer groups to pray for priests and persecuted Christians.   


Now we are continually praying for the remaining 515 $ to complete this. I am sure God will answer our prayers soon.

 Now “Holiness of Womanhood” will be used as a resource book in two formation houses, in one convent and in Islamic University as well.

I have a few more life changing witnesses about “Out of Darkness” and “Holiness of Womanhood”. I will be sharing stories soon.

Further, I am translating “A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness”.


I never thought that your books would become a huge mission in my country. I completely believe this is God’s will. Your books are now touching the hearts of Christians, persecuted Christians, Muslims, other denominations, and next month I am planning to meet a few Hindus (Hindus are also in minority in Pakistan. And sometimes they also face many problems)


June 6, 2021

"Greetings and Happy Sunday,

I just got back from church. Today once again I was invited to a church to preach “Holiness of womanhood”. It was a deep experience. There were about a total of 45 participants. I think only 10 were men and the rest were all young women. I am sharing a few pictures of this activity.

I gave them a brief introduction of the book and then I read a few chosen texts from the book. All the young (girls) were full of joy and wondered to listen to the book. There were few mothers as well. I could see their eyes with tears of happiness and gratitude.

Then I divided them into groups. Group work is always amazing as in small groups they feel easy to share their true feelings. I ask them to write and share what they were feeling before they read this book and what they feel after listening to this book. Their response touched me.

What they were feeling before they read this book:

·         Women are not born in the image of God.

·         God loves men more than women.

·         Women got nothing to do in the plan of salvation.


What they felt after they read and listen from this book:

·         God has created them on HIS own image.

·         God loves us very much.

·         We are helpers of God.

·         A woman (Mother Mary) gave birth to Jesus, so all women are Holy and can share Jesus with others.

·         Women played and still play a vital role in salvation.


At the end many of them came to me and asked more about the author (Mary Kloska) of this book. Thousands of prayers for the writer of this book.

In our culture mostly we keep the Bible in a separate fixed place. Women came and said they would keep this book close to the Bible as this book is also life touching and changing.


I also shared with the group about “Children of the Cross”. All of them promised to pray on Friday for persecuted Christians and all Priests. Few (married women) promised to send their children for Rosary.


Mary, once again, thank you very much for enriching our culture with this spirituality. We did not know what to do but your books have prepared a way for us. Thanks for being Hope in our hopelessness.


Thank you very much Dr. Sebastian for always being available to us. Thank you for always listening to us. And thanks for your encouragement.

Blessings! "


June 8, 2021

"Greetings in the name of our Lord!

Mostly I visit communities on weekends. But sometimes if I feel that I am needed I cannot refuse. Same thing happened today. I got a call from a rural community. This place is located far from Lahore (My place), indeed this is a persecuted community. Poverty is beyond our imagination. Still many people here can read and write.

Today I was asked to share the book “Out of Darkness”. As you can see in the pictures I was welcomed warmly. I was surprised to see the number of people, almost seventy of them. And only six were men. So when I saw a big number of women, I also shared “Holiness of Womanhood”. In this place every house has terrible stories. They do not have enough to eat, they do not have equal rights (even not basic human rights). Being Christians they are deprived of rights. Few can read and write, still they are offered only low jobs. Many of the women work in big houses, and there they are physically, psychologically tortured every day. They cannot even complain.

I spend a couple of hours with these women, young, old, and even children. The whole group including me had Holy Spirit experience.

Since many of them could not read, I had to read aloud for them. I also invited young women who could read to lead.

At the end “Out of Darkness” and “Holiness of Womanhood” were able to turn their tears into joy, their hopelessness into hope, and their uncertainty into peace. At the very end a group of young children did a cultural dance to say thank you to God for their life. Before this talk this group could not imagine dancing. They were really sad and felt dark. After this they experienced out of darkness.

 At the end, one decade of Rosary was recited for Mary Kloska of her love for our people. I also mentioned “In our Lady’s Shadow”, and I promised that next time I would read that book to them.

Now it is 12:50 a.m. I wanted to write to you tomorrow in the morning, but the woman said that please just go home and say thank you to Mary Kloska. So I promised them.

Blessings to you Mary, and once again thank you God who chose you for our people. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FROM ME AND FROM TODAY’S GATHERING OF WOMEN."

June 20, 2021



First, Fr. Godwin has been kidnapped in Nigeria (see first picture)... so many priests are kidnapped (and killed) in Nigeria. Please pray for his safe release. And please pray for the spread of 'In Our Lady's Shadow: the Spirituality of Praying for Priests' in both Pakistan and Nigeria (as well as here in the US). The more we can get people to pray for priests (especially according to how I explain Our Lady prays for priests), the more we will see these problems just disappear.

Secondly, please consider a donation to the GoFundMe for this purpose -so that we can continue to print these books for free for the persecuted Christians in Nigeria and Pakistan.

Thirdly, please see the email I received from Pakistan today along with pictures. These emails and pictures say way more (and better) than anything I could say about this work.

"Greetings to you in the name of our Lord!

Here are a few pictures of this Friday and Saturday activities. On Friday evening I went to a place where once again the majority of the people are being persecuted in one or another ways. People, especially children and women are physically and spiritually hungry. They are living in a certain fear. They really do not know what prayer is and the importance of prayer. They do not pray for themselves so who can we imagine that they pray for others.

So I went there with “In our Lady’s Shadow: The spirituality of praying for priests.

And it was good that one of my friends who is a priest also attended this session. The priest kept his promise. He promised that he would join whenever he has time.

The pictures that I am sharing of this community are not very clear. They don’t have proper light in the church. Later I reflected that they do not have light in their lives as well.

I shared a few texts with them from this book. I am feeling some peace that at the end they were willing to pray for others and themselves. I asked them about the hardships and persecution of their lives. They came with so many things with tears in their eyes. Their stories also brought tears to my eyes. But God turned these tears into joy at the end.

Then our group “Children of the Cross” had special prayer for persecuted priests and Christians. I asked them to draw what they are feeling. In their paintings fear and uncertainty was clear. This group is very active and good in prayer. So I have planned to bring this group (their parents have given me permission) to other places. This will help me to encourage others.

I am very delighted and humble to share that since I am translating your book “A Heart Frozen in Wilderness” and I shared my experience with this group. So this little group of children themselves asked me to pray for the conversion of Russia.

I never thought that in Pakistan, in my little town and in my house and in my other poor churches we would pray for Russia. When children and parents were sharing about their hardships, I added a few stories from “A Heart Frozen”. People in both places said that the suffering of Russia and Pakistan are similar somehow.

Then at the end we had a heart touching prayer.

God bless you and I need your continued prayers as your books have proved a mustard seed in the hearts of my poor, simple, innocent and persecuted people.

I need your prayer because it’s a long way, and I am ready to travel this with people and for people.


July 2, 2021


"Greetings in the name of our Lord

I thank God that my last weekend has been full of blessings. I really experienced the love of Jesus among wounded people. I was able to reach different communities and churches. Few places were quite good but few were really poor and dirty, yet in both conditions the love of God was visible. The Holy Spirit was with me and with all whom I met.

There was a man about forty years old. He never came to church. I met him a few weeks back and invited him to come. So he came to attend. He said he was shy to come to church as he always felt that his sins were stopping him from receiving God’s love. At the end of our program he prayed with tears. You can see in one picture this man kneeling down. He said I did not know how to pray. But he experienced that some lady (of course I believe it was our Lady) was guiding him to pray. He said during reflection from the book “In our Lady’s Shadow: How to Pray for Priests” he got courage to pray. He kept praying for a long time.

Then I also visited small children who have basic needs at home but rarely experience God’s love. I sat with them. Prayed with them. When I was sitting with them I was using references from the book “A Heart frozen in Wilderness”. They felt this kind of love for the first time.

Then in one church during a group work (you can see in one picture) young women and men had deep spiritual conversation with me.

Here one miracle happened. As I was sharing a few thoughts about the condition of Russia (as I am translating “A Heart frozen in wilderness” so this book is always in my mind and heart). So one lady who was about 48 years old (she never got married), said that she would like to adopt a spiritual son or daughter. She said after listening to me she feels it is her responsibility that she must bring one or two children to God.

Thank you very much Mary Kloska, for your spiritual wisdom. Our Lady is really showering Her blessings through your books. Many groups who are not catholic now feel easy to talk about Mother Mary (though these groups are still in small numbers, but earlier they did not exist at all).

Again, sincere thanks for your book “A Heart Frozen in wilderness”. It is every day giving me life, direction and reminding me to pray for all missionaries.

Blessings to you all!"



Thank you very much for your email. It’s already Thursday here, and I have just finished the Luminous Mystery of the Rosary. Indeed I was praying for you Mary and Dr. Sebesitan. I was thanking God who is doing these remarkable things in my place through your writings. During these mysteries I thanked God for the light of west (Mary Kloska) in my eastern darkness (Pakistan).

I was now translating “The frozen Heart in wilderness”. I have translated five chapters. And believe me when I translate, it feels as if I am also traveling with you Mary. This book is also touching me. In many ways I feel there are many people in my country who represent Russia. This book has made me more sensitive now when I go in the streets and see drug addicts and wounded children. I have a lot to share about this book with you Mary. I will be writing later.

I am also preparing myself for coming Friday to share with them the message from your books. Once again, as usual, a very deserving place. So this weekend again I will be sharing a lot with you.

And I am really very grateful to you both as you have introduced Paul to me. He is indeed my brother in Jesus. In many ways we both face the same joys and of course sufferings. I would love to write to him and would love to listen to him as well.

Mary, yesterday I was walking and saying rosary. It was late evening. I saw one woman, she was carrying a child. He was sleeping. But later I came to know that the kid was not sleeping but he was unconscious. The woman had given her some medicine so he kept sleeping the whole day. She begs on the traffic signals and before hospitals. So when people see this kid they give her more money. And she and many other women like that do so every day. You can imagine the physical and spiritual health of these children.

It was very risky to talk to him as these women are really very wild, but since I was saying rosary I trusted our lady and took courage to talk. She cried and cried and said that it is not her own son, but she has hired this child to get more money from people. And she said that it is very common that we hire children. She did not tell me where she was hiring. Must be a big mafia. I was surprised and in shock to listen to her. Since she was Muslim so I could not tell her about Jesus immediately. But I shared a few references from your experiences in Russia. She had some hope (I do not know what that was) and she wanted to listen more. But she was scared to stand with me. And honestly I was a little scared too. She told me she has a younger sister who could read. So maybe someday I will give her to read. Her sister can read to her. But it is really shocking that babies are being hired to get more money. This is a bitter and ugly reality of our society.

God bless you Mary, for all the light you have given and still giving to my people.



"Nigeria and Pakistan face similar problems owing to the Islamic influence and poverty experience... Here in Nigeria people sell babies and there are a lot of baby making centers- where young girls are kept most often promised greener pasture and then they're trapped and their only choice is to make babies, while the owner sells those babies for rituals to politicians and at times their parts are used for diabolical means."

Will you donate something to help the poorest of the poor?

Books are almost finished printing in Nigeria and already we are out of them... my seminarian friend who is organizing this wrote to me today that his problem is that he doesn't know who to say 'yes' to and who to say 'no' to... what is the priority for who gets books? Everyone wants them. Who gets them?

Bishops and priests in the north who are being kidnapped and murdered?

Seminarians in formation?

Religious sisters and lay catechists who reach those priests can't?

Or the Muslims themselves?

We just need more books.

So after a large donation today (and a smaller one earlier this week) I agreed to just send the next $1750 needed to print 2000 more. I hope and pray that those of you reading this will generously reach out to help me with this cost. We are saving lives. Here are some correspondences I received today from Pakistan and Nigeria. The situation is dire.

Will you be Jesus' Hands of Love to help these poor women and children?

The following are some witnesses from Nigeria.


""Hi Mary! I got your book. Some copies were sent to our Health Technology College. Where we are trained as nurses to serve people. I was lucky to have one, many didn't get because there were a few copies available. I extend my gratitude to you and the donors. I find the Holiness of Womanhood very interesting to read. I have not finished reading it, but it gives me more insight about my worth and dignity as woman. To be frank with you we really need a book like this in African-Nigeria due to women discrimination. We play second role to men. This piece is satisfying to women, it serves the purpose of making me and others realize who we are and what we can be and how we can be God's image to the world. Thank you in a million. I implore you to help us with more of the book to enable my friends get their own copies. I grew up in an environment where men beat women mercilessly on daily basis. My neighbor beat his wife and naked her for nothing. Just to show that he is in charge of the woman. This has been what I have seen and grown to see as a young lady. When our men return from drinking alcohol the next thing is use the woman as a punching bag. If I get more books I can give teach many younger ones to realize their gift." -a woman


"HELLO Mary! I am so elated to have your book. I was privileged to have the two books. As an African I now learn to respect women the more considering the environment I grew that reduces the woman even to a mere object. Thank you for giving me this book. I pray you have more money to donate more to us in Nigeria." -a young man

"Am finally home for holidays. It's so painful how men treat ladies here. They boast about beating their wives. Women too see themselves second sex to the men. I am going to a Catholic Girls College for retreat and Seminar with the Holiness of Womanhood. I will meet their Principal Monday and we shall start...There are many places on my mind. If you have any money help us to print some copies of Holiness of Womanhood. Women subjugation is high and it breaks my heart to see women been this discriminated. Women don't have certain privileges. I am going to a school with about 700 girls for seminar if things work well, I will take 5 days with them so that they can change their mindset. These are girls whose grand parents were slaves and that mentality of being second to the male has sunken in so badly. We need these books to break the traditions- The Holiness of Womanhood. I have a lot to do with this books. Many schools to use them. I want us to read it together with them holding their own copy while I explain after reading. I have plans and I hope we are able to achieve them. Please Help with copies of Holiness of Womanhood. Thank you Mary for your LOVE." -a seminarian

“Thank you for making your book available to us in Northern Nigeria. The Holiness of Womanhood deserves a global award

It changes the way I see women. Your book changed my world view. I am sorry for the times I discriminated against Women and I ask God for forgiveness because I now realized that I have sinned through your book. Pray for us that we will change from our bad attitude and love and respect them.” -Silas

July 7, 2021





Please take a second to read this, to pray for this, and if you have any mercy in your heart to help donate to this!

If I never printed another book in either place, a tidal wave of grace has already been unleashed -but more books ARE needed. I thank you all for your prayers and help!

First, although we have printed thousands of all of my books in Nigeria, they already ran out of 'The Holiness of Womanhood'. A girls' school with 700 students has requested books for all of their girls and teachers/nurses in the North have requested copies to teach. It would be very helpful to be able to print at least another 1000, possibly 2000 copies for our wounded sisters in Nigeria. Why is this needed? Here is one testimony:

"Hi Mary! I got your book. Some copies were sent to our Health Technology College. Where we are trained as nurses to serve people. I was lucky to have one, many didn't get because there were a few copies available. I extend my gratitude to you and the donors. I find the Holiness of Womanhood very interesting to read. I have not finished reading it, but it gives me more insight about my worth and dignity as woman. To be frank with you we really need a book like this in African-Nigeria due to women discrimination. We play second role to men. This piece is satisfying to women, it serves the purpose of making me and others realize who we are and what we can be and how we can be God's image to the world. Thank you in a million. I implore you to help us with more of the book to enable my friends get their own copies. I grew up in an environment where men beat women mercilessly on daily basis. My neighbor beat his wife and naked her for nothing. Just to show that he is in charge of the woman. This has been what I have seen and grown to see as a young lady. When our men return from drinking alcohol the next thing is use the woman as a punching bag. If I get more books I can give teach many younger ones to realize their gift." -a woman

Secondly, my translator in Pakistan has worked tirelessly to translate my newest book about Russia -he has added his own money, prayer and tears to this work and it is bearing fruit like never before. Here is his letter about the ministry we are helping in Pakistan -we are literally breathing new life, peace and joy into the hearts of those most persecuted, despairing and threatened by torturous murder and death. I am in total awe. I have not yet received enough donations to cover all that I sent to both of these countries a few weeks ago and completely do not have the $1800 needed to print this book. But maybe YOU DO. Can you consider being radically generous to give joy and strength to those who daily risk their lives for Jesus? PLEASE take a moment to read this and please commit to respond -either by gofundme, contacting me personally with a donation, by sharing this post or by daily prayer for those involved. THANK YOU!!


"Greetings to you!

As I shared with you, I finished the translation of “A Heart Frozen in Wilderness” and I would love to write my feelings about this.

I would share that after I completed the translation I was full with the presence of the Holy Spirit. I really didn’t know how to say thank you or how to conclude this experience. I said many prayers of gratitude. But still I felt something was missing. Then I said so many rosaries, but again I felt something was lacking. Indeed this book gave me so much and I wanted to share it with others but didn’t know how to do that.

Then while I was saying the rosary, our lady said that I need to go through this book again. So after going through this book again and again, the Holy Spirit led me to conduct a retreat of about 16 people and share this experience with them. I had conducted retreats many times but this time Mother Mary said to have children in your retreat group. I am humbly acknowledging here that I got inspiration to do a retreat with children from your book “A Heart Frozen in Wilderness”.

So I contacted a group (this group already mentioned their desire to have a retreat) and I took them to the mountain side (this place is about six hours from my place).

This one week retreat was the result of this translation.

I took these kids (along with their parents and teachers) and had a wonderful experience with them. Now this group will be working as a core group with me. The idea to go to the mountain side was to avoid disturbance of city noise and other disturbances.

I used all of your books but mainly “In our Lady’s Shadow” and “A Hear Frozen in wilderness”

I simple shared my experience of translating this book. I told them that while translating I cried and cried to hear about how people are far from God, sometimes I had to stop translation because literally my pages were wet with my tears.

But this was the time when I felt the touch of Hope Spirit in my life.

During the retreat I also felt Our lady’s and Jesus’ presence always around. People kept coming in their breaks to share that mother Mary had talked to them. The result of this retreat was that these small children themselves came to me and said that they have decided that on every Sundays after mass one hour prayer (including meditation and some input) will be dedicated for the conversion of Russian and persecution of Nigeria. These children were so small but I could feel th